Thursday, March 6, 2008

Happy Birthday


I know better then to say the age, but if you're curious you can use the date provided on the right hand side of the page and do the math:)

*Word from the lake: the countertop is in and the stove, sink, dishwasher etc. installed! The cabin is at last becoming fully usable and is ready for visitors!
(pictures to follow on Sunday)

I took this yesterday and thought I would share it. Here's who I get to play with every day and get academic credit... I told John he chose the wrong major in college.

-- Posted By Anna


Anonymous said...

Anna I want your job - way better than sitting behind desk for 8 hours a day!

Love Jake

Anonymous said...

Anna -- that looks like such fun! We really will have to bring the girls to the Cities sometime so you can introduce them to all your "friends" :-)

Happy 40th Birthday, Aunt Patti! I didn't realize we were so close in age :-) (And no -- I did NOT take math classes in college....)