Thursday, December 11, 2008

Mary and Lucile update!

Thought you might enjoy this. I received Aunt Mary's Christmas card today. She wrote:

"Lucile was here last Thursday. I asked her about Miracle Rub. She said "I use some on my arm but it doesn't help Corlyn." I didn't tell her what you told me. One says that's sisterly love and another would say a little rivalry in a family!"

I got my order and forwarded a tube to Jake, Pat and Terry. Since I probably can't trust you telling me the truth, if it works or not, I'll just tell Aunt Mary you all love it.



Anonymous said...

Hey, Patti -- do you have a website address for that stuff? Kevin's dad has lots of trouble, and I'd be willing to let him try it!

Anonymous said...

Susan - The product is Miracle Rub (Pain Relieving Cream.