Monday, December 7, 2009


Sorry I didn't get this done yesterday. Decided to get the tree up.

Frank had a great hunting trip and I had a good visit with everyone in Howard.

Corlyn has rebounded and even got his motorized chair returned to him. Don said when he was in the hospital, they took away his med's because the doctors felt they weren't doing any good. He is still off of them and still rebounding. His speech is hard to understand at times, and of course he looks frail.

Lucile was moved home on Saturday. I know her kids are not really thrilled about this, but we all know, at her age, you have to step back and do what she wants. There is a shuttle bus in town that she can use for $.25 so hope she uses that to go back and forth to see Corlyn and get around town, especially this winter. She still is very weak, uses a walker.

Don and Joyce are doing fine. Their Tami is expecting twins. Their son (I believe Chad)was the coach of a MN highschool football team which won their division state title. They had been to the Cities for the games in the dome.

I stopped at Leo's and Jeanette's. They now live in a new house on the Golf Course in town. It is a beautiful and practical house. I can tell Jeanette is more than happy. Leo said he'd sell it to me in a heartbeat. Jeanette has a great office and seems to be busy with her computer work. Leo is still experiencing lots of health issues. Can't do his metal work and apparently not much else. He say's the doctors aren't sure exactly what is wrong (he falls often).

Bob and Christi seem to doing the same as always. Christi is still teaching a making quilts (the pieces I've seen are beautiful). Bob is retired.

Bob and Karen are fine. Karen apparently is doing great. They have plans to take a cruise to Alaska with Karen's family in July.

I am told Tom is doing fine (from Mary) and so-so (from Bob and Christi).

Now for Mary. She is the same as always. I could tell her legs are becoming weaker and she said the doctor said she can now get a motorized chair to use in the house. She's waiting to hear from the company. She said at her last doctors appointment, the doctor asked if she was having any problems. Mary told him, She's 97 and she's having problems with most things, but if there is anything she really can't handle, she'll let him know. She immediately told me that when she was up to see Corlyn, he had the Aloe Miracle rub next to his bed. She asked if he liked it and he said yes. I guess Lucile walked out of the room. Their latest battle is proving a bank statement.
Mary asked if I prove mine every month, and if so to the penney. I said I did, but didn't explain how the computer does the work for me. Well I guess Lucile records her written check by rounding off to the nearest dollar. Example, If the check is for $5.30, she records it as $5. When her statement arrives, she just adds or subtracts the difference in her book to make it balance. "Have I ever heard of anything so foolish?"

This is long, but knew you wanted an update. Please excuse any spelling or grammar errors.

Everyone, keep posting pictures and news.

Love to everyone,

1 comment:

Kathy said...

Patti _ thanks for the update - I wish I would make time to go down there. I have a client that reminds me of aunt Mary - she is 94 and still lives in her own home, quilts and bakes, etc. She is losing her eyesight and everytime I am there I think of Mary. Thanks again for the update & I am sure you gave everyone hugs from us.
