Friday, May 30, 2008

Morey-Camp Run-A-Muck

I just thought I would show everyone the response I got from the GANG when I was telling them what their grandma does at the camp. I still haven't convinced them that they need to see it in person but I'll keep trying. Any help would be appreciated.

We're looking forward to seeing everyone there. I would apreciate it if the pontoon was sea ready by the time I get there because it might not be by the time I leave. Everyone take care.



Morey Family News said...

We are dying to see those little kiddo's and meet Kate. Please bring them to the cabin...


Anna said...

Looks like Grandpa and Grandma have their hands full:) They are growing up fast!

The pontoon has yet to be placed in the water (none of the boats have) so that is on the agenda for this weekend. Keep your fingers crossed for a successful launch:)

Anonymous said...

I can't believe how big the kids are getting. Hopefully I will get to see them soon!

Love Jake