Sunday, November 23, 2008

Update from Patti

I just read/looked at all the new posts.
1) I have never seen a bear at the cabin as cute as Trae
2) Cassie I see you are out there and paying attention, We would all love an update on you and Nick
4) As for those of you who remain silent readers, If Kathy can learn to post, I am sure the rest of you can. Todd, we may have to start some rumors to force them out of hiding to defend themselves?
3) Congratulations Tina and Craig, Kylan is a doll
4) I agree that there are more cute pictures of Trick or Treaters out there, and I'd love to see the pictures
6) Congratulations to the Moberg Stars - I have free time and would love to act as their agent!
5) At the moment, Anna's room looks like Glenda's place

-Everyone in South Dakota is doing fine. Corlyn and Mary look great. Lucile was getting over a bad cold, but seemed to be doing OK.
-I stayed with Bob and Christy. They are doing good. Bob's old place had a fire a few weeks ago in the bowling alley part. Arson is expected since they found empty gas cans and gas signs in the lane gutters. Without that establishment, Howard seems real quiet.
-Don and Joyce came to Lucile's Friday night and their family is the same - busy and happy.
-Tom had arteries in his neck (cleaned/opened?) No problem with first side, then with the second side, they must have hit the vocal cord and did some damage. He can only speak in a soft voice. (Not that he ever spoke in a loud voice).
-I was told Bob and Karen are doing better (getting through the first year is the hardest after a loss). I guess Bob is starting to talk more seriously about retirement.
-The biggest news, is Leo and Jeanette are moving into town. They are building a house on the golf course. I drove by it and it looks very nice. Don't know what the plans are for the farm house.

Now, after reading Kevin's blog about his sister, I have proof that sibling banter never ends. For those of you who are still with me on this long blog and need background. Mary and Lucile are grandma Morey's sisters. Mary is 96 years old and Lucile is 86 years old.
-I'm at Mary's and see an ad for a product to help arthritis pain. Mary says she has used it for years and it works for her. "But, Lucile has tried it and says it doesn't work."
-I try some on my now Arthritic hands and it seems to work.
-The next day, I tell Mary that I'm taking the information on this product because I thought it worked. She smiled and said she was glad, "But don't tell Lucile because she thinks it's a waste of my money."
-I go over to Lucile's and happen to see the same advertisement on her table. I play dumb and ask her if she's ever used the product. She says yes and that she likes it and Corlyn swears by it. "But, don't say anything about it to Mary, because Mary thinks I don't believe in it."
-Of course, when Frank and I stopped to say goodbye to Mary, I had to let Mary in on Lucile's secret. After all, she's 96 years old and the smile it brought to her face was well worth it.

Jake and Pat, I will be sending you each some of this to try on your Toes. Terry I'll send you some for your knees. Anyone else, let me know. Mary says it works on her toes, knees, hands, shoulders, etc. However, she says you have to believe in it before you use it in order for it to work.

Love to everyone,


Kevin Moberg said...

Before we sign the paperwork for the girls, what kind of cut for you are we talking about here? 1%? 10%? 50%?

Anonymous said...

Just so you know, Patti -- Kevin and I are willing to let the girls work for college money and enough extra to keep us in comfort in our old age! :-)(Heaven knows my retirement fund won't do that...)

Morey Family News said...

Patti - I am sure my mom would love to give the medicine a shot on her toes...I feel terrible for her. She has now had to officially give up wearing most of the shoes she loves. If it works I am sure the bank would be happy as well since as of lately she wears her suits to work with her tennis shoes...really quite funny...I'll have to get a photo and post it for all of you to enjoy!

Thanks for the updates!


Anonymous said...

Kelli - I ordered some today, but by the time the order comes here and I forward it, you may want to have your mom just order online to get started. Mary gave me a small tube and so far, I have to say it helps my finger joints. The product is Miracle Rub (Pain Relieving Cream. Let me know if she orders.