Tuesday, June 23, 2009

8 Weeks Old

Hi Everyone...

Just wanted to post some new pictures of Kynnedi. She continues to grow like and weed and can not wait to meet and be held by all of you. She is doing great. We are very lucky to have a good little sleeper on our hands. She has slept completely through a couple of nights otherwise she wakes up to eat around 4 and goes back to sleep for a couple of hours. Just over the last two weeks or so she has started to smile which is so adorable.

Some of you might have already heard but we are about to embark on an exciting adventure. We bought a piece of land out close to mom's and decided to put our house up for sale thinking it would take awhile for it to sell...turns out we accepted an offer within 2 weeks...as long as everything continues to go well we will close on July 17th. We have started the early stages of designing a house to be built on the land (Scott will be the builder)...lots of changes but all very exciting. Now the stress begins. :)

We hope everyone is having a great summer so far. This is the first really hot week we have hand...kind of crazy. We miss you all and can't wait to see everyone soon.

Aunt Kathy...if you could bring the pack and play for us to use in Fargo that would be a huge help! Thanks so much!

Lots of love,


Kevin Moberg said...

Congratulations on the quick sale and the new house (upcoming)! And another cute baby in the Morey clan, I see.

SusanLynn said...

Thank you for the updated pictures -- it is so much fun to watch them change. Congratulations on your house sale, too -- so many exciting things going on :-) See you in August!