Thursday, August 5, 2010


All it takes is one person to post and more will follow.  Todd, we are all waiting for word from you.

Kelli makes a great point, we need to plan a Family Reunion.  I hope everyone knows that you are welcome at our cabin any time.  As Terry's family visit proved this summer, there are getting to be so many little ones, that the ligistics of everyone at one time, may prove difficult.  Not to say I'm not willing and able to entertain it.

My suggestion:

I think we should take a long weekend (say the first weekend in June) and reserve rooms at one of the Hotels in Dickinson with a pool.  I said this weekend, as school should be out and with notice, those who travel a long distance may be able to take a week in conjunction with the Memorial Weekend, allowing time for in-law gatherings.  Saturday should be a big picnic in Medora, I think we all remember those.

Lets get the discussion with ideas going.

Again, I hope each family would consider our cabin as a destination.  Terry & Audrey's grandkids will tell you, it is a magical place.


Anonymous said...

Looks like everyone had a great time! I agree with a hotel in Dickinson - its easy for the majority and we can see other family. We will have to think about a week end but definitely needs to be planned!

Love to everyone! Jake

Susan Lynn said...

Thanks for the pictures, Patti, and the open invitation! We've enjoyed all of the trips we've made to your cabin, and we appreciate your willingness to share it ;-) A family gathering sounds great -- let's make it happen!