Sunday, March 25, 2012

Sad day for Kynnedi

It was a sad day for our little Miss Kynnedi - she broke a bone in her elbow!  They put it in a sling today because it was to swollen to put the cast on yet so it sounds like they have to wait until Wednesday for the cast.  Kelli and JJ were up north at some friends house on Friday and all the kids were playing and Kynnedi fell.   Kelli said she cried for just a little bit and then went back to playing but this morning she said her arm hurt and JJ noticed she wasn't straightening it all the way so they took her to the emergency room for x-rays.  She told me they took a picture of her arm and now she has to were this thing on it!

Just thought I would let everyone know

See you all at the wedding!!
Love  Jake


Anna said...

Oh No! I hope the healing process is a smooth one with no unexpected problems!

Anonymous said...

That's too bad, but just like tatums leg hopefully she heals fast. The orthopedic doctor told us kids that age heal 10 times faster than an adult. Before you know it she'll be back at again.


Anonymous said...

Hope that everything goes ok. Kids heal so much faster than we do! Kaden got hit in the eye at daycare a couple months ago and ended up with a very serious eye injury -- crazy how fast things happen. No one tells us all these things we have to deal with before we have kids:) We will be thinking of her.


Anonymous said...

I am so sorry to hear about the accident. I know it is so hard to watch those little ones when they are hurting. Keep us posted on her progress and we will keep her and you guys in our prayers.
