Saturday, April 14, 2012

Happy Memories

I fondly remember the Morey family get-togethers at Grandma Morey's home and immediately flashed back to them when I saw the card below.  I remember a few of these workouts while sitting around her kitchen table.  Happy memories of good times with great people!

--Posted by Kevin


Anonymous said...

This is great and yes those were great times with lots of great memories!! I sure everyone will agree that they miss them - crazy how things change! We haven't heard anything new from the Moberg family for a very long time - I have missed you - I am sure there are some Easter pictures that you could share!
We will see everyone real soon!
Love Jake

Anna said...

We were just telling stories about Grandma Morey's house the other day. Lee, I still blame you for the broken collarbone... haha.

I am still impressed with how many people were able to be in that house at once.