Monday, April 30, 2012

An Invitation and a Gustafson Update

Suzanna is getting confirmed on Sunday, May 6! The confirmation service starts at 10:30 A.M. Afterwards, we've reserved the basement of the church, so we've got plenty of room, and you know we'll have plenty of food--you're all invited to join us for lunch! :-) I sent out invitations to the family members who live in town, but wanted everyone else to know you're welcome, too.

Since no one in our family has updated anyone for a while, here's what's been going on, mostly:

Roger comes in to Dickinson a couple of days a week to work. He spent some time over the winter fixing up his guest room, and he has now become a landlord and is on his second set of renters. And did I mention, he had a rather significant birthday back in January?

Jerrett works. A lot. When he's not working, he and Roger like to hunt and fish. He has even been known to sit in an uncomfortably hot & humid swimming pool to watch his nieces swim, which is over and above the requirement for any uncle.

Cassie and her crew are doing well. Davis is 3 and is going to a preschool co-op a couple of mornings a week. Marly turned one and is active and happy. They both want to come to visit their auntie Susan, but their mean parents won't let them, at least not until June, when Cassie can come along.

The Mobergs are fine. When Kevin isn't busy teaching or supervising student teachers, he's taking classes of his own and doing homework. The girls finished the winter swim season (which started in November) with a trip to the state meet in Grand Forks in March. Since then, they've finished piano festival and solo/ensemble music festival, and now they're just 2 weeks away from the start of summer swim season! Suzanna and Abigail both have summer babysitting jobs, and between Norwegian camp, music camp, Bible camp, and science camp, they're all managing to go to one camp each month of this summer. I mostly keep everyone fed and clothed and get them where they need to be, as close to on time as I can manage. My big news is that I am going to be down to just one job at the end of May! I have enjoyed just over 4 years as the Sunday School/Vacation Bible School director at our church, but it is now time for someone else (I've suggested someone who does not already have a full time job and children who are very active) to take on all the fun.

We're looking forward to seeing everyone at the wedding!

--Susan Lynn


Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing all the news and a picture of the girls - they are beautiful! Sounds like the Moberg family is very busy! Suzanna Congratulations - I hope you have a special day on Sunday.
Roger you look great and Jerret you do deserve best Uncle award.
We will see you all at the wedding

Love Jake

Anna said...

Congratulations Suzanna! Looking forward to seeing everyone this weekend!