Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Memorial Day Weekend

I hope everyone had a good Memorial Day weekend! Everyone was able to get up to the cabin for a portion of the weekend, and then my parents stayed up to celebrate their 30th wedding anniversary! Happy Anniversary Mom & Dad!

Some cabin highlights include having the opportunity to spoon-feed a hummingbird (it was stunned after flying into a window - after 1 tablespoon of nectar it was re-charged and able to fly!), saying goodbye to the pontoon boat (we've had difficulty getting it working since the fall and managed to sell it for the same price we paid for it 7 years ago!), getting the cabin ready for summer (we are ready for visitors! Nudge, nudge:) and of course for my mom, it was probably taking the first shower in the new bathroom! The bathrooms are nearly finished and the end to this remodeling project is in sight! Well, at least for awhile before my parents find yet another project to start:)

Matthew, I hope you can handle paddling around with TWO dogs in your kayak!

Hummingbird pictures!
Life at the cabin is always hard work:)
Thanks to myself, there is 1 less deer in Wisconsin....

Note the amount of water gushing out of the waders... if my parents ever suggest you put them on, I suggest saying: "Thanks but no thanks!"

First fire of the season!

--Posted by Anna


Anonymous said...

Looking at these pictures makes me want to make a trip to the cabin now!
Happy Anniversary Frank & Patti!


Susan Lynn said...

Thanks for sharing your pictures, Anna -- they make me long for a visit to the lake! Can't wait to see the progress on the remodeling, too.

Happy Anniversary Patti & Frank!

Todd said...

i enjoyed the pictures but still do not see one of a bear in a hooded sweatshirt. i know it is still cold in the evenings so im sure they are out there and bundled up!!!

Happy Anniversary Aunt Patti and Uncle Frank!!!

Anonymous said...

I agree with everyone the pictures make me want to make a trip! Patti I'm sure Wisconsin needed that deer! We made our first camping trip last weekend and Kynnedi loved it!

Happy Anniversary and see everyone soon! Love Jake