Sunday, March 14, 2010

Tournament Time!!!

We have had some interest that we start a family NCAA basketball tournament pool. Therefore, I have set up a group at so we can all have a little fun with this years tournament. Patty and my mom have decided that the winner will get a prize not yet determined but will come from Grandma Morey's oil money. This should be a lot of fun and provide a little reward for the best picker. Try to get everyone in your family in and lets really make this an exciting tournament.

To get entered, first you must have an account at If you do not its not hard to sign up for one. Its free and very quick and easy. Then here are the steps to follow:

-Go to
-Click on "Join a Group"
-Click on "Join Group"
-Enter the following group ID: 79403 password: boomer
-Enter a creative name for your bracket and click "Save and Continue"

You are now entered in the group and can go ahead and pick your bracket. If you have any questions or problems let me know at 701-290-7574. Make sure you save your bracket after it is all filled out or it will not count anything during the tournament. Also make sure you have your Champion picked and a final tie breaker score picked.

Good Luck to everyone and lets get this thing rolling.



Morey Family News said...

Great idea Todd! When do we need to have our brackets filled in by? Sorry this might be a dumb question for most but for some such as myself who don't follow this closely I need to know what my timeframes are. :)

Love ya

Anonymous said...

There is a game on tuesday but that one will not count. Your bracket has to be completed by Thursday morning before the first game starts, which is around 10:00 am MST.

Anonymous said...

I have now changed the settings in our pool so that you can now enter up to 5 brackets per user name. This will allow anyone with kids to also let them get in without having to get them a user name. Just make sure their name is somewhere in the bracket name. This way we can all feel like idiots when a 5 or 6 year old takes all the winnings.
