Monday, November 21, 2011

Halloween and a little more

Sorry about being a little behind but i am finally getting a little time to post some pictures.  We didnt get a whole lot from Halloween but as you can see we had a horse and a flower.  Tatum was not quite sure what to think about it all, but as always enjoyed the candy.  Trae likes halloween, however, he was scared to go door to door cuz he was afraid they might have dogs.  So all in all i would say halloween is not one of our favorite holidays yet.

Some of you may have heard already, but on Veterans Day Trista went to the park with the kids.  She had Tatum on her lap to go down the slide and Trae was behind.  On their way down Tatums foot got caught under Trista and twisted a little bit.  I was on my way back from Fargo, so she took her to the clinic and they deteremined she had a spiral fracture of the tibia.  We then took her to an orthopedic doctor thinking she would need a cast but he said it would not be necessary.  Due to her age, she heals so fast that it would heal before a cast would do any good.  We go back this Wednesday for a check up and hopefully they will tell us it is healed and she can walk on it again.  Lets just say this was harder on us than her, she has been a trooper the whole time.

Well we hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving and look forward to seeing any family that comes back this winter.


 Our horse, flower and our niece (Tristas sisters daughter) Bryton

Getting ready to head out and trick-or-treat

Waiting in the orthopedic doctors office and Tatum was bored so she wanted to wear dad's safety glasses

Showing off her splint they put her in, this is also her "cheese" face

Trae wanted a picture taken too, but would not smile for it

Had to throw this in.  Can you tell which one is which??  pretty scary, this one is Tatum

This is Trae

Some of you saw this on facebook, but here is Traes farm we set up the other day.  Its a little extreme and yes that is an exotic animal exhibit to the north!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the pictures and No I would not have been able to tell them apart! I am glad Tatum's leg is better than first thought and hopefully it heals quickly! By the picture Trae must still love horses! You guys have a great Thanksgiving!!

Love to all