Monday, March 28, 2011

Aunt Patti turned 60!

Our biggest update since our last one is that Patti turned 60. We celebrated her birthday with a limo ride around the Minneapolis lakes followed by dinner at a restaurant that has bowling and bocce ball - it was a great time!

Otherwise we've been staying busy watching the basketball games and hoping the snow would go away. We had a brief week where almost all the snow melted and it actually felt like spring. However, the brown grass was quickly covered with fresh snow so we are back to feeling like winter is never going to end!

We did manage to catch one more fish this winter before the season ended. This time it was a walleye (about 20 inches). Anna & Zoey decided the walley trumps the northern that Frank & Nelli caught, and therefore they won the winter fishing contest. We're looking forward to the ice melting so we can get the docks & boats in and start enjoying warm weather at the lake.

The cabin is always open for visitors - so if you can make a trip our way this summer, let us know. We'd love to have you!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

60 - WOW! Can't believe it hope you had a great birthday! Bowling is always fun especially with a little cash wager to the winner - so did they let you win? I can't wait to see everyone in June and I am sure your spring is coming!

Love jake