Sunday, March 6, 2011

Smith Update

Hello Everyone,

First of all, I agree with uncle Terry -- I am damm tired of winter too!!!! 

It is naptime at my house, and all three--or I should say four (Dad)--are down for a nap, so I am going to make this short and sweet.  I figured the pictures are the most important part anyway -- most of them are from Christmas.

Lisa and her crew continue to be busy running here and there.  They always seem to be on the go or have a project they are working on.  Regan recently finished putting up a garage, and now until spring they are working on odds-and-ends projects inside the house.  Payton qualified for state swimming this year.  We were all very proud of her, and so were her coaches considering she is only a freshman.  She placed in all her races, but you will have to ask her more about it as right now I can't remember.  Braxton is excited as this year he gets to take hunter safety and will get to go hunting with his Dad:)  Kyle will make his first communion in May.  And Emily keeps them on their toes as she recently turned two and has entered the wonderful "terrible twos."

Lee and Shantelle have been enjoying every minute with their new addition. Rhett is a good baby and is growing like a weed!  Lee recently started a new job.  He is now working for Bobcat in their marketing department.  His job has required him to travel quite a bit for training and such.  His first trip he was gone for two weeks and found it very hard to be away from Rhett and Shantelle for so long.  Shantelle is back at work teaching at Rasmussen College.  She really enjoys her job.  Rhett has been adjusting well to daycare and loves to watch the kids play:)

Landon finally finished his college football career -- he lost in the quarterfinals -- losing to the team that ended up winning the championship.  We are very proud of him! We will miss going to watch him play, although I think my Mom  is full of winter traveling for awhile!  Landon recently started an internship with Bobcat.  He seems to be enjoying it, and Mom and Dad are happy that it is a paying job!!!!!  We keep thinking we are going to get the call that he and Steph are engaged, but as of now -- no news.  We will keep you updated:)

Mom and Dad stay busy just trying to keep up with us.  They are both ready for winter to be over, although they have so much snow in their front yard that we keep giving Mom a bad time that she is going to have snow in her yard until July.  You can imagine how happy that makes her:)  Dad continues to work too hard -- he is off to Vegas in a couple weeks for some conference.  The crazy thing is that Lee will be in Vegas at the same time for some training, so they are going to try to hook up!

As for us -- well, life is crazy.  The boys REALLY need nice weather to go out and run some energy off!!!!  They have been quite the helpers shoveling but have now started asking, "When is the snow going to melt?"  Addison is growing like a weed.  She is a good baby and spends most of her time watching her brothers run around.  She has discovered that she has a voice and spends most of her time -- we are pretty sure-- telling us all off:)

We hope that everyone is doing well.  We enjoy reading all the updates and seeing the pictures.  We can't wait for June to see everyone. 

Abigail, we have been praying for you and know that you have special angels watching over you!

All our love,


Aunt Kathy said...

Laura - Thank you for the update and the pictures. It is amazing how much everyone has grown.
Aunt Kathy

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the pictures all the kids are so cute - that is definitely a crew! I can't wait to see them all together in June! Love to everyone