Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Crazy Wyoming Weekend

Hello will all be proud to know that JJ and I finally invested in a new digital camera. We had one at Lee's wedding but with all of the festivites it managed to end up broken. Finally after doing our research we bought a new is awesome and I would definately recommend it to any of you who in the market for a new camera. It is an Olympus 550 UZ...AWESOME CAMERA.

Anyways...we all ventured to Wyoming for a weekend of fun to and celebrate Mom's birthday which was on Sunday. We were having a great time...enjoying the great weather, warm water, cold beer and campfire. I have attached some pictures for all of you to enjoy. You will be certain to get a kick out of Mom and Scott surfing behind our boat...they both have become quite the pro's at this. As you will be able to tell not quite as good as JJ who is making fun of us all while surfing wearing a goofy helmet and drinking a whole bud light. :)

On Sunday we were all on the boat and everyone was getting ready to call it a day since we still needed to pack up camp and head home. I decided I wanted to wakeboard one last time. Bad decision by me. I ended up having a crazy wreck. Everyone on the boat had thought that I had just took a mean face plant but when they circled back around to pick me up I guess I was laying in the water crying and saying my head hurt. They pulled me up on the back of the boat only to find out that I was bleeding pretty badly from the back of my head. We then had to drive quickly about 50 miles to Rawlins, Wyoming where the doctor determined that I had a 2 inch gash on the back of my head that was deep enough for him to put his finger in. The ran two CAT scans to make sure I hadn't hurt anything too terribly and then used 10 staples to close the wound. In the end I felt terrible for causing mom so much stress on her birthday and she didn't even get to surf again. Bummer day.

Needless to say I am doing well...had a check up today and the my doc says the staples are looking good. She is going to remove them on Monday. The worse part is the nasty ointment JJ is putting on my head every day and causing my hair to feel terrible. I have posted two pictures of the before the staples and one after. If you have a not sooo strong stomach you might not want to look.

Sorry for the long post...I had lots of details I had to include.

--Posted by Kelli

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

First of all - I am so happy to hear you are okay Kelli. Second I can't believe I totally forgat your mom's birthday. Sorry Jake & happy belated.
Love - Kathy